A Little about the blog.....

This blog contains all the interview questions that i face during my interviews with various MNC's. I am trying to post the solutions for almost all the questions and i have covered few important topics which would be frequent topics in interviews. I hope the blog would be useful not only for the job aspirants but also to the one who tries to upgrade his/her knowledge in C and Embedded concepts......

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Integrated Development Environment(IDE) TUTORIAL

In general for C programming purpose we need a special editor software.

Ex: TurboC IDE

The IDE is an integration of several tools as listed below:

1. Editor
2. Pre-processor
3. Debugger
4. Compiler
5. Linker
6. Standard object library
7. Header Files
8. Help document

If we use TurboC IDE for our programming, By the time we execute a program, four files would have been created.

1. on saving --> .C (the source code file)
2. On updating --> .bak (the back up file)
3. On compiling --> .obj (the object file, the compiled version of our source code)
4. On linking --> .exe (the executable file)

The .exe file is the file which finally gets executed and this is the file that will be installed in the target computer.


  1. sir, can we have the code of LCD interface that what we have dumped into the micro controller.

  2. LCD interfacing code is in the download provided in the lcd interfacing to atmega8 post. please check it out.
